As developers we go very much into patterns of test driven development, yet we're doing it wrong most of the time. What are the alternatives to TDD if you really cannot get it right? I think the undervalued concept which TDD takes it roots from is the self testing code but it's a much larger concept that TDD alone.

Self-testing code refers to a programming practice where the code is designed to test itself for correctness, performance, or other characteristics. It's a part of the broader idea of automated testing, where the aim is to identify and fix bugs and flaws without manual intervention. Here's an exploration of how self-testing code works:

Assertions: Some programming languages have built-in ways to check conditions at runtime. For instance, you might have a piece of code that verifies a variable is within a particular range. If the variable falls outside that range, an error will be thrown. This is a simple form of self-testing.

Unit Testing: This is perhaps the most common form of self-testing code. In unit testing, small pieces (units) of code are tested to make sure they are working as expected. This often involves writing additional code specifically for testing, such as using frameworks like JUnit for Java, or pytest for Python.

Integration Testing: Once units of code have been tested, integration testing checks that they work together as expected. This can be considered a form of self-testing as well, particularly if automated test suites are used.

Automated Testing Tools: There are many tools designed specifically to facilitate self-testing. These can automate everything from unit and integration testing to full end-to-end testing.

Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD): These practices involve automating the building, testing, and deployment of code. As part of a CI/CD pipeline, code is often subjected to rigorous automated testing, making sure that new changes don't break existing functionality.

Monitoring and Logging: While not testing in the traditional sense, monitoring and logging can also be considered a form of self-testing. By collecting data on how code is performing in the real world, it can be easier to identify and fix unforeseen issues.

Self-testing code can make software development more efficient and result in more robust, error-free products. However, it does require an investment in time and resources to write and maintain the tests. Balancing this investment with the potential benefits is a key challenge in implementing self-testing code.

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