Visual Studio Development

Visual Studio Development

Developing custom applications targeting desktop, web and mobile with native compilation ensures maximum compatibility and performance. Visual Studio became our single choice for integrated development environment and we have became experts in using its full potential, irrespectively of the language used.

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Visual Studio Development

Service Design

We believe in creating engaging, intuitive, and seamless digital experiences that drive user satisfaction and business success.

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C# programming language

C# Programming Language

C# programming language provides just in time compilation for native desktop, web and mobile applications ensuring maximum portability and reusability of code base across different platforms. C# is a modern object oriented language featuring strong types and some of the most cutting edge language features.

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Blazor framework

Blazor Framework

Blazor Framework with ASP.NET allows building complex and scalable front end for modern web applications. Blazor is a WebAssembly cross-browser compliant standard for building natively compiled blazing fast front end applications.

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AngularJS framework

AngularJS Framework

Angular Framework with TypeScript allows building complex and scalable front end for modern web applications. TypeScript is a Java Script superset created by Microsoft for creating large scale modern front end applications.

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Microsoft Sharepoint

Microsoft Sharepoint

Developing custom features, workflows and webparts for the Microsoft Sharepoint. We're specialising in implementation of both on-prem and cloud versions of Sharepoint and custom development using ASP.NET to provide any type of customisations.

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Office 365 Development

Office 365 development

Developing custom extensions and custom integrations with Office 365 improves adoption of the Microsoft cloud office system.

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Software Architecture

Software Architecture

Providing consulting services in area of software architecture and application design ensures optimal solution matching customer needs, as well as providing extensible and scalable platform.

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One framework for building native, cross platform applications for desktop and mobile.

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