- Taskscape Experience Exea S.A.
- 01 January 2013
- Grupa Azoty, Collaboration platform
Taskscape has provided experience and expertese to continue maintaining bespoke cloud provider management platform. The suite of network applications has been integrated with virtualisation platform and network management software to enable customers of Exea S.A. to receive first class self serivce experience.
- Client
Exea S.A.
Cloud provider
- Skills
The original development team consisted of developers recruited for ongoing maintenance for the cloud management and self-service platform.
Taskscape Ltd has soon taken over mentoring of the development of the platform, as well as managing the development pipeline to continue delivering number of enhancements, finalised by training of the on-site team members upon project hand-over.
- Client Testimonial

Taskscape Ltd provided the essential services where no other company was capable of providing hosting and monitoring for such actively developed software where initially under great pressure for stability and multiple changes of scope of the product.
- Contact Us
If you need more info, please speak with us by using the contact details provided below, or by filling in the contact form.
Call Us
Phone +44 (0) 786 979 64 76Our Location
71-75 Shelton Street, London, GB